Safe water delivered for the people of Gongo, North Ghana

With your support, Ghana Outlook was able to fund a safe water borehole for the 200 strong community in Gongo

Safe water borehole for Gongo, Wa West District

Things were desperate for the Gongo 280 strong community. Their only water source was a river that runs dry for several months in the dry season. The river water when available was the cause of much sickness and ill health shared, with children missing many days of education. The same source is shared by wild animals and domesticated farm animals.

Community at the borehole

Thankfully Ghana Outlook was able to fund a safe water borehole. Drilled in the dry season, a good safe source of water was found at 60m death and provides 40L/min. Community members like Amlworlor Abla who can been seen drinking and collecting the dirty water from the pond can now be seen receiving clean safe water on tap. This borehole is supplied with a good aquifer at 100m depth.

Community of Gongo Using the borehole