Borehole in Ahiagbekop

Safe Water provided to community of Ahiagbekop in the Volta Region

Ahiagbekop Community, Volta Region

The 800 community of Ahiagbekop were moved with gratitude and many thanks to Ghana Outlook and the project funder, ‘Wells for Africa” as they received for the first time, safe water. This is a much welcome and life changing enhancement to the lives and health of those living in the community.

Community 1 Community 2

The previous supply was a river source that is shared by wild and domestic animals with the added risk of snake bites. The river runs dry for many months of the year and finding water, even foul water is a huge time consuming task carried out every day.

Update 1

We are happy to say that now the community has safe water on tap. GO would like to thank PRS&D for managing and oversea the success and completion of this project.

Update 2