Water for Nimbale, Upper West
Nimbale primary School in Upper West depends on a single borehole for safe water. The borehole is also close to one of several Nimbale settlements and is used by residents outside school hours. Consequently, the yield had fallen and the pump and apron were in poor repair. Ghana Outlook has funded a new borehole close to the settlement and has paid for the refurbishment of the Primary School’s borehole.
In 2012, the Ghana Outlook and Coalition for Change commenced their partnership, the primary school of 300 children and staff in the central Nimbare had, for its safe water supply, a single borehole located close to the school buildings. However, people from one of the two settlements constituting Nimbare would walk to the borehole to take water. The result was an overused borehole in poor repair and with low yield. The concrete apron was used for clothes washing etc and was badly broken and the surrounding area was muddy and a haven for flies.
Following discussion with the community, following which it agreed to set up a committee to supervise usage of the borehole and se ensure that families paid a small monthly tariff to cover repairs, Ghana Outlook agreed to fund £6,500, with the Rotary Club of Scarborough Cavaliers, required to repair the existing borehole for exclusive use by the school and to sink a new borehole closer to the community, for exclusive use of its members. C4C managed the project, including contractor selection and works supervision.